Zero-horizon formula II
Fluctuation" as a Qualia (texture)
In fact, the fact that we have been ignoring this sensory "fluctuation" as something "beautiful" will expose our negligence in "discernment (evaluation-tasting)".
The field of "photography" is distinct from that of contemporary art, where the approach to the context of art from the beginning to the present is left to "explaining what one wants to convey as a statement.
In recent years, however, the value and target of evaluation has been changing to mainly "contemporary art works" using photographs.
In this context, there is a current situation where photographic art is not (or cannot be) introduced into the mainstream, as if the traditional evaluation of photography, such as the evaluative eye that sees photography as realism, is reminiscent of the era that denied Pictorialism.
This "Zero-horizon formula" proposes a new concept of how to treat "photography" as art, which has become such a dead body.
Furthermore, it should be noted that the theory of marginal art, which can be said to be the mother of this theory, was defined by a Japanese philosopher after the war, and has elements that make it suitable for loud appeal as a concept unique to and originating from Japan.
It is an obvious and unquestionable fact that the Western art system is the mainstream.
As long as art is treated as a commodity, it is impossible for anything that does not fit its context to be honored in its evaluation and handling.